Andrew Grigorev

Senior Python / Go / C Developer

Current location:
Limassol, Cyprus
[email protected]
Looking for a remote job position in ML startup.
Network services, Web, CI/CD, GIS, Cryptography
Elasticsearch, Clickhouse, PostGIS, MySQL
Nginx, Docker, AWS, Gitlab CI
Linux Administration, Ansible, Bash, Git

Experience (10+ years)

Edadeal (Sep 2015 - Oct 2018)

Backend architecture guidance, developing REST API and other microservices for mobile application backend, back office applications and utilities in Python and Go. In-house analytics solution using Yandex Table map-reduce system and Elasticsearch. Production infrastructure and services management via Gitlab CI and Ansible. Fine-grained HTTP metrics collection utility and monitoring infrastructure.

Progress National Development Bureau (11 months)

Working on the largest Russian government project of 2015 (the system like a Toll Collect in Germany). GIS services and utilities in Python. Network services using asynchronous frameworks. Cryptographic protocols to communicate with vehicle on-board devices. RabbitMQ and AMQP. Demo-stand infrastructure and services management via Gitlab CI and Ansible.

Yandex (2 years 7 months)

Web services development. Development of common Python infrastructure in the company (common libraries and packaging). Distributed LXC administration service. Administration and support of internal Github Enterprise service.

See more on LinkedIn. Send me a job description via e-mail to get my CV.


Chelyabinsk State University

Specialist, Computer Security, 2005 - 2011.

Online Courses

Cryptography, Machine Learning, Game Theory


Traveling - tourism, trekking, hiking, feeling the universe, comprehend culture and people. Computer security competitions (CTF). Chinese tea. Music - I play the piano, flute, saxophone, tin whistle and ukulele. Yoga - philosophy, a healthy lifestyle and singing of mantras.